Lainey Bee's aftercare instructions
Everything you need to know on how to take care of your tattoo done by Lainey Bee. Step by step aftercare instructions on how you should heal the artwork on your skin.
Every tattooer has a different approach on how you should take care of your tattoo; the aftercare tattoo instructions. The reason that there are so many different stories on what is best is because no tattoo is the same. After all different styles and techniques need different aftercare instructions. When you have a tattoo done by Lainey Bee, this is her explanation to you.
Tattooing wounds the skin. The upper layer of your skin will heal the fasted. This layer is called the epidermis (outermost layer of skin) and it will seem to be healed in about 3 weeks when there is no infections, scratches etc. But the second layer of skin, the layer where the tattoo ink will stay, also called the dermis, won’t heal as fast. As a result the total healing of the tattoo, and the tattoo aftercare, will take about 6-8 weeks. Keep in mind that the colors will still change a little up to 6 months.
Lainey's Aftercare packages
Lainey provides 3 sizes of aftercare packages. These packages have everything included you will need for the size of your tattoo in combination with the back-2-back days you have booked.
1 day sessions $40 (value $65)
2 day session $50 (value $75)
3 day session $60 (value $85)
Includes; Ohana Organics cleanser(soap), Ohana Organic tattoo butter(aftercare), Tattoo armour sheets(for days in between back-2-back sessions and healing), Tattoo wipes (non-lint towels to dry your tattoo after washing it), second skin(for the size you need), the package also includes a Beezenity mistery item.
Disclaimer; Make sure to always check the ingredients before using any of these products, if you are allergic to any of these please let Lainey know before hand. This is your own responsibility. If you want to use anything else please feel free to do so. Lainey does advise not to use any Petroleum based products.
If you would rather buy the products yourself instead of the package Lainey provides, here are the links;
- - For the tattoo butter and cleanser click here; Buy Tattoo Kit $29.99 ex shipping and tax feel free to use code #lainey for 10% discount.
- - Tattoo armour; Buy tattoo armour medium pack $15.50 excluding shipping and tax
- - Second skin; Hustle butter wrap $15 excluding shipping and tax
- - Tattoo wipes; sterile tattoo wipes without lint $2.40 per pack excluding shipping and tax
- - Beezenity home decor products are available here

The preferred method for healing your tattoo.
This method is for those who have animals, dusty work areas, want an easier heal and want to be rather safe than sorry 😉
Once the tattoo is finished, it is covered with Tattoo Armour. This soft padding with absorb plasma during the first days of healing. You will get enough pads to change them every 12 hours for the first 2 days. Your skin will be swollen and warm at the touch after getting tattooed, drink plenty of water and keep the body part elevated when possible. When changing the pad;
- - Wash the tattoo(always with clean hands). Start with cold water and let it slowly get warmer, lubricate it with the Ohana Organics soap/cleanser and wash it well so that no soap remains on the tattoo. Then lower the temperature of the water and let it air dry. It is important to completely remove the slippery gel layer. Do not wash for too long because this will get the skin/tattoo soaked and soft. And if you shower, make sure to wash everything else first and do the tattoo last.
- - Let the tattoo air dry or use a clean paper towel (tattoo wipes) that does not leave behind lint. Do not rub or scratch. Let the tattoo get as dry as possible before you put aftercare on it.
- - Apply a small amount of Ohana tattoo butter on the dry and clean tattoo (not more then 1/2 a pea size for a full hand size tattoo) A little Ohana Organics tattoo butter goes a long way! If there is a glare on the tattoo, you have used to much, remove this by dabbing it off with a clean paper towel.
- - Reapply a new piece of tattoo armour. You can cut the pad once if needed. Use sensi wrap or paper tape to fix the armour in place like Lainey did before.
- - When you run out of the pads that Lainey gave you, it’s time for the next step. This should be after changing it 2 or 3 times.
Second skin. After removing the last Tattoo armour you wash your tattoo again. This time it is extra important that the tattoo is completely clean and dry before applying the second skin. Second skin is a thin breathable layer that goes over your tattoo during the healing process.
- - Wash the tattoo like before.
- - Let it completely dry in a clean environment. Do not go near pets or dusty areas. (Lainey herself usually waits in her bathroom for 30-40 minutes)
- - Cut the second skin in 3-4 inch strips. Start at the top of the tattoo. Remove the paper layer, apply the second skin on tattoo(with an ½ inch overlap on to non tattooed skin), then remove the top layer. Continue in the same way moving down the tattoo, applying the strips until the tattoo is completely covered. Overlap each piece ½ inch.
- - Leave the second skin on for 4 days(not longer!). During these days you don’t have to do anything, just shower as you normally would.
- - When removing the second skin, grab a corner and slowly pull the film off. Do not pull it straight up away from the skin. Instead, pull the film back and across the skin while holding your skin taut.
- - Wash the tattoo like we did before and let it airdry.
- - Do not cover the tattoo with any bandages, cling film, second skin, tattoo armour after this moment.
You are now about a week into healing. If everything went well, your tattoo will look dry. If you notice there are spots in the tattoo that take longer to close then the first few days, do not put any after care on these spots, just keep it clean(wash these twice a day).
Touch the tattoo as little as possible. If you have a dusty workplace, animals in your house, people touching the tattoo by mistake or anything else that can get the tattoo infected and damaged please clean your tattoo as fast as possible.
You can put a little aftercare on every other day after cleaning. Remember less is more.
Keep your tattoo clean by washing it once a day for the first couple of weeks until your skin looks and feels completely settled.
If you have any concerns or questions please reach out to Lainey via email and send her a picture of your tattoo so she can see the healing process. If you have extreme redness, swelling, bleeding, chronic pain, infections, or other extremes. We advise you to contact your doctor.
During the healing process
Do not!!!:
- scratch the tattoo wound.
- peel off any scabs that might form when healing, or you will remove ink out of the tattoo.
- cover the tattoo with tight or soiled clothing.
- expose the tattoo to sunlight or a sunbed.
- rub the tattoo with petroleum jelly.
Do not go to (bubble) baths, swimming pools, lakes/ ocean, saunas and steam baths for 8 weeks.
After 6-8 weeks of healing;
The tattooed skin remains very sensitive to sunlight after healing. Always protect your tattoo with a high SPF sun care product. Preferably SPF clothing or otherwise a sun block with minimum SPF 50. Sun care products do not prevent your skin and the tattoo from changing its color but it will keep it from damaging.
It is now, up to you, to take care of this amazing piece of art! The better you care for it, the better it will heal and look over time! We hope you'll follow the instructions closely so you can cherish your tattoo for the rest of your life!
Please note that; These aftercare instructions are based on Lainey's personal experience as a tattoo artist and are not medical advice. Everyone heals differently, and we cannot guarantee specific results. It is your responsibility to monitor your healing process and seek professional medical advice if needed.