Lainey's world
"I am a busy bee with 101 ideas that are quickly transformed into activities.
An entrepreneur and an artist full of passion.
I specialize in 'realistic color tattoos with a painterly twist' and adjust the content of the tattoo to the personality and story of my client."
Welcome to Lainey's world!

Why are we calling this Lainey's world you ask?
Well that's simple, this woman has allot going on!
And for it all to be readable we are dividing it in to pieces 😉
As a tattoo is super personal and Lainey Bee askes you to share your story
with her when she designs a custom tattoo for you, she thinks it’s only fair to tell you hers.
A part of Lainey’s world exists because of clients like yourself.
People who want to celebrate their life with custom artwork. Her sponsors make her life allot easier and provide you with the best products to create and heal your tattoo.
Lainey Bee has been futured in media all over the world and we selected a few to show you.
Also we want to show you something she has created, the Stinger Storage, something she is very proud of and tattoo artist world wide now use to create a better work flow for themselves and their clients.