Lainey Bee is an international award winning artist. Her style is like non-other. And we as her managers think it's great when not only her clients acknowledge this. Winning awards is part of this acknowledgement and being futured in the media is the other. Media is able to shine light on her work and make other people get to know her a little better. She has been interviewd on TV &nd Radio, futured in newspapers and magazines and on social media. And in this segment of her site we will show you the latest news.
Podcast 'Unemployable' by Jon Nelson and Cam Fonte
Unemployable on the podcast; This week, the guys are joined by Lainey Bee! Fresh off the heels of Golden State Tattoo Expo, the crew share their experience at the con. The likes and dislikes and everything in between. Lainey shares her journey from the Netherlands to the states! Not only is she a phenomenal tattoo artist, but an innovator and creator. She tells her story on creating a tattoo essential, the Stinger Storage plus much more! Enjoy and please don't forget to LIKE, COMMENTS, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE!
If you'd like to see more of their podcast please visit Youtube at 'unemployable'.
Social media; National womans day
March 8th, 2022
International womans day is meant to honor the strenght of woman across the globe. Fk Irons handpicked 6 female artists naming them the 'industry's dominatrix', one of those artists is nonother than Lainey Bee. A proud moment for sure! To be futured on a social media platform like this is an honor!
Want to read the full blog please click here!
Interview Lainey Bee on Culture shock
September 30th 2020,
Fkirons invited Lainey Bee to be the first female artist on their show called Culture Shock.
Zeke and Lainey talked about the tattoo industry, how she got into the business and how she became a pro-team member at Fkirons. Such a fun interview!
Want to watch it? Go check out Lainey’s Instagram tv! Click here
Want to see all Fkirons goodies and interviews? Click here

Interview with Skin Artist Magazine
On the 7th of september 2020 Lainey Bee got interviewed by Skin Artist Magazine. An online magazine promoting the best artist in the scene. With an amazing amount of +600.000 followers on there social media, this is a great magazine to be interviewed by.
If you want to see more of there interviews please click on the link below;
Total tattoo magazine
April 2020
Lainey was interviewed by the world famous 'Total tattoo magazine". Such an honor to get such a big spread in this magazine!
She definitely was amazed about how they introduced her;
'There will usually be a whole group of people chatting around Lainey Bee's booth at a convention. She is oneof those exuberant, warm-hearted, sociable souls who draws other people towards her like a magnet. Owner of Flowinkstudio in Nijmegen, in the Netherlands, she has become known for her rich, painterly style, imbued with the most astonishing light and detail- creating images that are so silky-smooth and sophisticated you can hardly believe they are tattoos. For lainey Bee, tattooing really is a medium for fine art.'
If you want to get an hold of this magazine please visit their website by clicking on the link below;