Sponsorships of tattoo artist Lainey Bee
Why is the sponsorship of tattoo artist Lainey Bee important? The tattoo industry is a very big and growing industry. Each year there are hundreds of international tattoo conventions. Magazines, tv shows, suppliers, sponsorships, multiple tattoo styles and to many artists to count! The Netherlands alone has thousands of artists. Lainey Bee is just one of them.
Now there is something very special about Lainey Bee. She got hand selected by some of the best brands in the industry! They recognized her as a professional. An artist that stands out in her style and work. This is a very special thing to happen to an artist and will only happen to a few!
Lainey Bee is Netherlands first sponsored Pro Team artist by some of these big brands!

Sponsorship by Kwadron
2023 started of great! Lainey Bee got invited to be a part of Kwadron’s proteam! This is one of the biggest brands of cartridge needles on the planet! It might not come to you as a surprise that using the right needles is very important, but why exactly? As Lainey’s sessions are long she needs needles to remain sharp throughout the day and not cause extra unnecessary damage to the skin of her clients. She needs a range of configurations to help her create different techniques. They have to be thin and very stable to create the smallest details and big enough to be able to handle color saturation! Kwadron has them all! If you want to try them out visit Kwadrons website www.kwadron.pl

Sponsorship by Blackwork Gloves
Gloves are soooo important!!! Lainey is allergic to latex so searching for the right gloves hasn't been as easy as you might think. Luckily she can stop the search now that she has found Blackwork gloves! They provide not only Nitrile gloves but also Lainey's favorite kind; chloroprene medical grade exam gloves! And the bonus, you can even put them on while your hands are wet! PERFECT for when switching gloves during your session! If you would like to try them yourself go to www.blackworksupply.com and order them now! Chirstmas came early in 2022 in the form of this new sponsorship!

Sponsorship by Crypto Currency Tattoomoney TAT2.
The future is now! TAT2 Token is a deflationary multi-blockchain token crafted for the global tattoo industry. It allows collection and transfer of financial assest, payments for services in the tattoo studio and trade of NFT on the NFTattoo platform. Additionally, TAT2 holders will have the possibility of staking, adding liquidity on decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges or participating in Airdrops. If you want to learn more about this revolution please go to their website www.tattoomoney.io .

Sponsorship by ink brand Fusion Ink.
One of the world’s biggest and baddest inkbrands. Lainey has been working with this brand since she started doing color tattoos.
This is the cherry on top of all her hard work. The 24th of November 2019 she got asked to be in the Fusion Pro Team! She is the first Dutch artist to get sponsored by them! A sponsorship and being a part of this ‘ink family’ is very special! If you don’t believe it, check out all of the other great artist in their pro team! And if you’re an artist and you haven’t tried out their ink….. DO IT NOW

Wipeoutz, towels for tattoo artists and clients
In May 2019 Lainey got asked to attend the Kaos theory Project by Ryan Smith(an honor by itself). A prestigious project that let’s artists (the best up-and-coming, masters and legends) collaborate. During the project Lainey tattooed her now famous trademark ‘grapes’ in her collaboration with Kirsten Pettit. When Legend Mike de Vries noticed her grapes he wanted them himself. A very big honor! Mike is one of the legends that started the style ‘realism’. Lainey started covering up Mikes older work on his arm with some amazing grapes. After this he decided she could tattoo his whole lower arm! No pressure! 😉
Afterwards Mike de Vries asked Lainey to be in his Pro Team. He developed a sterile tattoo towel; Wipeoutz. This sponsorship provides Lainey Bee with the only towel she now uses on her clients while tattooing. Go and get them at www.mdwipeoutz.com

Fkirons, the machine brand every tattoo artist wants
February 2019 Lainey got hand selected to attend one of the biggest most prestigious tattoo conventions; The Milano Tattoo convention in Italy. And as if that wasn’t big enough of an achievement…
When she was tattooing, the owner of FKirons walked into her booth, filming her and telling her how much he loved her work! During a break she got asked to be in their Pro Team! For those who don’t know who they are; this is one of the biggest brands of tattoo machines!
Something Lainey definitely didn’t see coming, hell she didn’t even knew they where following her! (Again she’s the first Dutch artist to be on their Pro team!) If you want to see the video of how Gaston walked into her booth, check out her Instagram tv. And if you want to get your hands on one of their machines go check 'm out!

Lainey Bee's first sponsorship; Ohana Organics
In aug 2018 Lainey met the OhanaOrganics Family. An amazing and super kind family that had been following her work. They let her try her aftercare products and tattoo soap and asked if she would be a part of their Ohana(family).
As a matter of fact if you are looking for an all vegan, homemade, tattoo aftercare or just a great skincare product this is where you need to look!
Offcourse you can also get the tattoo after care products at Lainey Bee's tattoo studio Custom Cult. Check out how to use them: aftercare instructions.